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Alphabetical Index

The Alphabetical Index is our own favorite way to navigate our website.

We have two 'Index' links on every page: we have the "Product Index" link in the upper right, and the "Alphabetical Index" link in the 'Shop' sidebar near the upper left. Both links point to the Alphabetical Index. Most of our items are cross-referenced several ways for easy location.

Search Box

We have updated the search box in the upper left hand of every page.
The results page will include both individual products (model number and price will be shown)
and product categories (no price will show on the results page).

On the results page you can narrow the search by attributes such as style, size, diameter, length, etc.

Category Navigation

Visit our Home Page to see a list of our Departments and 'mouse-over' drill-down menus.
You can either click on the name of a department to see a listing of subdepartments, or use the mouseover menu to go directly to the subdepartments.

Breadcrumb Navigation

When looking at a product detail page, a breadcrumb path will display links to category, subdepartment, and department -
making it easy to navigate to similar products.
An example is:
Home>GAGES, SQUARES, SET UP TOOLS>Thread Measuring Gages>Screw Pitch Gages>
GA-44B Metric Screw Pitch Gage, 24 Blades, measures .25 - 6.0 Pitch